केन्द्रीय विद्यालय नंबर 2 उधमपुरमा सं वि मंत्रालय भारत सरकार के अधीन एवं स्वायत्त निकायसीबीएसई संबद्धता संख्या : 700017, सीबीएसई स्कूल संख्या:04427
- Thursday, December 05, 2024 07:26:47 IST
क्रमांक | शीर्षक | डाउनलोड | Date of Release | अंतिम तिथि |
41 | List of Printing & Stationary | डाउनलोड (259.5 KB) | 29/06/2023 | 12/07/2023 |
42 | आपूर्तिकर्ता फर्मों के पंजीकरण हेतु विज्ञापन / Advertisement for Registration of Supplier Firms | डाउनलोड (222.43 KB) | 25/06/2023 | 09/07/2023 |
43 | Firm Registration Form for the session 2023-2024 (सेवा एवं सामान आपूर्ति हेतु पंजीकरण वित्तीय वर्ष 2023-2024 के लिए) | डाउनलोड (1.07 MB) | 13/06/2023 | 30/06/2023 |
44 | Tender Notice For Maintenance & Repair / Civil work of the Vidyalaya Building | डाउनलोड (1.35 MB) | 06/06/2023 | 09/06/2023 |
45 | AUCTION - CONDEMNED ARTICLES COMPUTER & LIBRARY DEPARTMENTS | डाउनलोड (957.16 KB) | 03/06/2023 | 03/06/2023 |
46 | LIST OF L1 BIDDERS SELECTED FOR FOLLOWING BIDS -SESSION 2023-2024 | डाउनलोड (398.73 KB) | 29/05/2023 | 29/05/2023 |
47 | GeM E-Tender for procurement of Housekeeping Items Session 2023-24 | डाउनलोड (90.58 KB) | 18/05/2023 | 28/05/2023 |
48 | GeM E-Tender for the procurement of Stationary Items session 2023-24 | डाउनलोड (91.17 KB) | 18/05/2023 | 28/05/2023 |
49 | वर्ष 2023-24 फ़र्मों के पंजीकृत डाक द्वारा निविदा आमंत्रण | डाउनलोड (138.18 KB) | 19/05/2023 | 09/06/2023 |
50 | TENDER NOTICE FOR THE SUPPLY OF TENT | डाउनलोड (451.76 KB) | 19/05/2023 | 09/06/2023 |
51 | Tender Notice for Hiring of Fancy Dresses for School function | डाउनलोड (423.33 KB) | 19/05/2023 | 09/06/2023 |
52 | Tender Notice for Supply of Furniture items | डाउनलोड (473.06 KB) | 19/05/2023 | 09/06/2023 |
53 | Tender Notice for Supply of Sports Items | डाउनलोड (471.32 KB) | 19/05/2023 | 09/06/2023 |
54 | Tender Notice for Supply of Printing and Stationery | डाउनलोड (580.57 KB) | 19/05/2023 | 09/06/2023 |
55 | TENDER NOTICE FOR COMPUTER / CCTV ITEMS | डाउनलोड (587.2 KB) | 19/05/2023 | 09/06/2023 |
56 | Tender Notice For Maintenance & Repair / Civil work of the Vidyalaya Building | डाउनलोड (625.4 KB) | 19/05/2023 | 09/06/2023 |
57 | Corrigendum regarding AMC of computer bid published on Gem portal | डाउनलोड (104.75 KB) | 11/05/2023 | 11/05/2023 |
58 | TENDER FOR CIVIL(M&R) WORK 2023-24 | डाउनलोड (346 KB) | 02/05/2023 | 22/05/2023 |
59 | Gem-Bid for Conservancy, Gardener and Security | डाउनलोड (107.34 KB) | 08/05/2023 | 08/05/2023 |
60 | TENDER NOTICE 2 | डाउनलोड (350.66 KB) | 02/05/2023 | 21/05/2023 |